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Talk:Mumbles to Langland

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Grouping Areas

As a starter for 10, what do you think? --Alan rosier 21:38, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

I think going East to West (i.e. Mumbles--->Langland) could be confusing for two reasons:
  1. because we read from left to right ( i.e. west to east ).
  2. because the climbs are invariably listed (for good reason) from left to right.
Otherwise it could be useful to group areas together. Why not use the groupings in the guidebook? Is there something you don't like about them? Could the groupings be improved? --Tim Hoddy 23:39, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

I guess I have always struggled with Gower. Even avoided it because of the confusing (in my opinion) nature of the description/layout or whatever you want to call it. I want to create areas which have a relevance to OS or even road maps - which invariably is a visitors first point of reference. If the guide book areas are clear then lets use them, if some need tweaking lets change them. I'm not well travelled enough to judge this. However, having been to Rams and Crab island I think this area works. Plus the next crags have a different approach.

Yes listing the crags from west to east (going left to right) sounds more intuitive but doesn't work for me on paper - this is because you are approaching Gower from the north east i.e looking at the coast, soooo left to right is reversed. You only see the traditional left to right route descriptions at the end of your journey, at the bottom of the cliff, when you turn back to north facing. E to W also means that the first crags described are the closest to Swansea, so as you travel west you go forward through the book instead of going backwards through it - which is a real pain. This this is how I have experienced it as a visitor rather than a local - make sense? --Alan rosier 10:01, 6 January 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it makes sense. I agree with you about defining areas according to how they can be approached. That makes good sense. The guidebook may or may not do this adequately. We can improve of course.
Areas listed from East to West rather than reverse... I think it's probably a matter of taste and I would find the old way to be easier. It's simply because I always have a visual map in my head of Gower (or any other place I visit) and north is always at the top. Arew you by any chance left-handed?  :-) -- 12:27, 6 January 2010 (UTC) (Tim Hoddy)

Nah, I'm not a lefty. Within individual areas whether the outcrops are described L-R or R-L doesn't really matter to me but probably better based upon the approach if not continuous ? Maybe it shouldn't be concrete but flexible depending on the circumstances. Like I said I class myself as a visitor so can be objective from that point of view but the end product has to be done by locals.--Alan rosier 14:41, 6 January 2010 (UTC)


I think the bouldering should be incorporated into this too. ie Rotherslade, Sewerpipe, Rams Tor bouldering , Mushrooms and bracelet bay are all in this area----Chris Wyatt 21:14, 6 January 2010 (UTC)

Agreed. It should all go in. Can you put a pin on the map for these bouldering spots too? --Alan rosier 09:36, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

Getting Lon/Lat for Google Maps

Chris some of the bouldering spots have been approximated by me. Also Crab Island Crag (which I think Alan has corrected). I've used a GPS to get Long/Lat to locate all other locations on the maps. --Tim Hoddy 10:10, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

i use multimap to give me lat long , its at the bottom of the page.--Alan rosier 13:13, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

I could do that, but you can still be off by quite a way if the crag is steep or indistinct. I was off by quite some way with Crab Island Crag --Tim Hoddy 13:24, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

I got them from google earth but the map is now done for the time being. I think the area needs more sections between crab island and rams tor plus a bouldering page for crab island. Tim one thing I cannot do is rename bracelet bay to limeslade bay. Any chance you could do that? --Chris Wyatt 22:14, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Ok Chris, "moved" Bracelet Bay to Limeslade Bay. BTW, doesn't "slade" mean "beach" or "bay"... shouldn't it be just "Limeslade"? Will get both you and Alan "move" permsissions. No reason why we shouldn't have all the same.

Thanks Tim. I think you are right about slade ( Crap group from the 70s )-- 15:04, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Ok... I'll change "Limeslade Bay" to "Limeslade" --Tim Hoddy 16:30, 11 January 2010 (UTC)